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Cargando arte do xogo (10%)
Mesa #645164221
Mover #78
Progreso 100%
Previamente en supermegaluckybox #645164221 ... ([Saltar a repetición dos últimos movementos])


Amosar rexistros de partida
Amosa información útil
Confirm lightning bolt usage
Confirm when finished playing number
Super Mega Lucky Box Edition

Opcións do xogo

Modo de xogo
Velocidade do xogo
Horario de xogo
Este xogo foi actualizado dende que comezou o xogo: Polo que a repetición é EXPERIMENTAL.
Cargando a historia do rexistro do xogo (96%)



0 -552989234 eur Visitor-552


Amosar rexistros de partida
Amosa información útil
Confirm lightning bolt usage
Confirm when finished playing number
Super Mega Lucky Box Edition

Opcións do xogo

Modo de xogo
Velocidade do xogo
Horario de xogo

Nota: O 3D é experimental

Eres un espectador desta partida
2 días
Amosar cursor
6 días
Amosar cursor
Espectadores: Visitor-552989234
The next number is 8
Joerot cannot use the bonus(es) gained
Joerot may cross out a number 9 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 4 which completes a row
Joerot gets a moon for completing the column
Joerot may cross out a number 4 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 3 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 crosses out 3
Joerot has finished playing number 3
Carbo60 has finished playing number 3
The next number is 3
Joerot crosses out 5
Joerot may cross out a number 5 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 9 which completes a row
Carbo60 crosses out 9
Joerot has finished playing number 9
Carbo60 has finished playing number 9
09:59 AM
The next number is 9
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 6 which completes a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Joerot crosses out 7
Joerot completes a Lucky Box!
Joerot gets a star for completing the column
Joerot may cross out a number 7 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 5 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 crosses out 5 which completes a column
Carbo60 may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 5 which completes a row
Carbo60 has finished playing number 5
09:58 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 5
The next number is 5
Joerot crosses out 1
Carbo60 crosses out 9
Carbo60 crosses out 6
Carbo60 completes a Lucky Box!
Carbo60 may cross out a number 9 as a bonus for completing the column
Carbo60 may cross out a number 6 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 1 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 1
Joerot has finished playing number 1
The next number is 1
Joerot crosses out 6
Carbo60 crosses out 4
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 may cross out a number 4 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 8 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 may cross out a number 8 as a bonus for completing the column
Carbo60 uses 3 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 9 which completes a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 6
09:57 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 6
The next number is 6
Joerot crosses out 7
Carbo60 crosses out 7
Carbo60 has finished playing number 7
Joerot has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Joerot gets a moon for completing the column
Joerot crosses out 9 which completes a column
Carbo60 crosses out 2
Carbo60 completes a Lucky Box!
Carbo60 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Carbo60 may cross out a number 2 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 9 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 9
Joerot has finished playing number 9
The next number is 9
Carbo60 selects their Lucky Box(es)
09:56 AM
Joerot selects their Lucky Box(es)
Joerot gets a star for completing the column
Joerot crosses out 6 which completes a column
Carbo60 crosses out 3
Carbo60 may cross out a number 3 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 6 which completes a row
Carbo60 has finished playing number 6
Joerot has finished playing number 6
The next number is 6
Joerot crosses out 8
Joerot may cross out a number 8 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot uses 2 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 6 which completes a row
Carbo60 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Carbo60 crosses out 4 which completes a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 4
09:55 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 4
09:54 AM
The next number is 4
Joerot crosses out 2
Carbo60 crosses out 2
Joerot has finished playing number 2
09:53 AM
Carbo60 has finished playing number 2
09:46 AM
The next number is 2
Joerot crosses out 1
Joerot gets a star for completing the column
Joerot crosses out 5 which completes a column
Joerot completes a Lucky Box!
Joerot may cross out a number 5 as a bonus for completing the column
Joerot may cross out a number 1 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 7 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 8 which completes a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 7
09:45 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Joerot crosses out 4
Joerot may cross out a number 4 as a bonus for completing the column
Joerot crosses out 9 which completes a column
Joerot may cross out a number 9 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 1 which completes a row
Carbo60 crosses out 5
Carbo60 may cross out a number 5 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 2 which completes a row
Joerot has finished playing number 2
Carbo60 has finished playing number 2
The next number is 2
Joerot completes a Lucky Box!
Joerot gets a moon for completing the column
Joerot gets a lightning bolt for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 1 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 crosses out 1
Carbo60 has finished playing number 1
09:37 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 1
09:36 AM
The next number is 1
Joerot crosses out 4
Carbo60 completes a Lucky Box!
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 gets a star for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 4 which completes a row and a column
Joerot has finished playing number 4
Carbo60 has finished playing number 4
The next number is 4
Joerot crosses out 2
Joerot may cross out a number 2 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 6 which completes a row
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 crosses out 5 which completes a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 5
09:35 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 5
The next number is 5
Joerot gets a lightning bolt for completing the column
Joerot uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 2 which completes a column
Carbo60 crosses out 3
Joerot has finished playing number 3
09:33 AM
Carbo60 has finished playing number 3
The next number is 3
Carbo60 selects their Lucky Box(es)
3/23/2025 07:15 AM
Joerot selects their Lucky Box(es)
08:55 PM
Joerot crosses out 5
Carbo60 gets a lightning bolt for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 2 which completes a row
Carbo60 may cross out a number 2 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 5 which completes a row
Joerot has finished playing number 5
08:39 PM
Carbo60 has finished playing number 5
The next number is 5
Joerot crosses out 3
Joerot may cross out a number 3 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 9 which completes a row
Carbo60 crosses out 1
Carbo60 may cross out a number 1 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 9 which completes a row
Carbo60 has finished playing number 9
08:04 PM
Joerot has finished playing number 9
The next number is 9
Joerot crosses out 8
Carbo60 crosses out 8
Joerot has finished playing number 8
07:35 PM
Carbo60 has finished playing number 8
The next number is 8
Joerot gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Joerot uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 8 which completes a column
Carbo60 crosses out 3
Carbo60 gets a moon for completing the column
Carbo60 may cross out a number 3 as a bonus for completing the row
Carbo60 crosses out 9 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 has finished playing number 9
07:31 PM
Joerot has finished playing number 9
The next number is 9
Joerot crosses out 7
Carbo60 crosses out 7
Joerot has finished playing number 7
08:40 AM
Carbo60 has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Joerot gets a moon for completing the column
Joerot crosses out 3 which completes a column
Carbo60 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 4
Carbo60 has finished playing number 3
08:31 AM
Joerot has finished playing number 3
08:29 AM
The next number is 3
Joerot crosses out 4
Joerot may cross out a number 4 as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 9 which completes a row
Joerot may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot crosses out 9 which completes a row
Joerot completes a Lucky Box!
Joerot gets a star for completing the column
Joerot may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Joerot uses 2 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 5 which completes a row and a column
Carbo60 crosses out 7
Joerot has finished playing number 7
3/22/2025 08:28 AM
Sabías que...?
Os insultos e comportamentos agresivos están terminantemente prohibidos en BGA. Infórmanos de calquera incidencia: tomaremos medidas de moderación contra os xogadores problemáticos.