Ao longo dunha partida de Faraway, xogarás unha fila de 8 cartas fronte a ti, de esquerda a dereita. Estas cartas representan as rexións que atoparás mentres exploras as terras. Os personaxes destas cartas outorgaranche puntos de vitoria se logo cumpres as condicións que esixen. Ao final do xogo, regresas da mesma maneira, anotando as cartas na orde oposta ao que as xogaches. Aí radica o corazón do xogo. Ao longo do xogo, as cartas que xogues serviranche tanto para exporche novos obxectivos, como para cumprir os que xogaches anteriormente.
Cada quenda, xogas unha carta dunha man de 3. Logo elixes unha nova carta dun río boca arriba. Como o xogo é simultáneo en Faraway, debes ter en conta un intelixente sistema de prioridades en todas as túas eleccións: ser o último en elixir unha carta déixache con menos opcións e, a miúdo, eleccións menos rendibles para as seguintes quendas.
Número de xogadores: 2 - 7
Duración do xogo: 7 mn
Complexidade: 2 / 5
Xoga Faraway e outros 992 xogos en liña.
Non son necesarias descargas - xogad directamente dende o teu navegador.
Cós teus amigos e miles de xogadores do mundo enteiro.
De balde.
Xoga Faraway e outros 992 xogos en liña.
Non son necesarias descargas - xogad directamente dende o teu navegador.
Cós teus amigos e miles de xogadores do mundo enteiro.
De balde.
Sumario de regras
You create and satisfy 8 objectives that you choose, which are presented across 8 rounds.
Your regions will score BACKWARDS (that is, right to left), not in the order you played them!
1. First, everyone picks a card to play as their next region card. The card goes AFTER the previous card they played (if any).
2. Each player checks the top left number (Exploration Duration) of the card they just played. If it's greater than the previous card's number, the player draws 1 Sanctuary card plus one per Clue (map) that they will choose between for the next phase.
3. Based on the top left number their played card, players in order (from lowest to highest) pick a Region card from the supply to replenish their hand.
4. Then they choose one of their Sanctuary cards to play (if they drew any earlier).
Game End
The game ends at the end of the 8th round.
To score, keep your Sanctuaries face up, but flip all your regions face down for scoring.
Reveal the rightmost Region card and score it if it meets the requirements in the middle right by adding the points at the lower right to your total. (Note this may be a fixed number or depend on other symbols in your cards' top right corner.)
(At this point, only your Sanctuaries and one other card are face up).
Then reveal the next Region to the left and score it, and so forth until you score all 8 regions right to left. So, your cards that were placed earlier will still be face down and thus will NOT help score cards placed later in the game, so plan accordingly.
Once all regions have been scored and are now face up, score the Sanctuaries, and the player with the highest score wins! (Tiebreaker is lowest total Exploration Duration.)