Dice Theme Park is a dice manipulation board game, all about creating and running your own park of fairground attractions.
In Dice Theme Park, you are the park managers, trying to create the most successful theme park in the area, by getting your customers on the most rides possible! The dice in the game represent the customers, with hex tiles representing the rides in your park. Employing a unique “Dice-cascade” mechanic once a customer has enjoyed a ride, their dice value is reduced, but they can still continue to enjoy more rides in the theme park until their value drops to 0 where they exit. This means the more efficiently you can move your dice around to activate the most rewarding rides, the more points and money you receive!
Número de xogadores: 2 - 4
Duración do xogo: 110 mn
Complexidade: 4 / 5
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Xoga dicethemepark e outros 964 xogos en liña.
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De balde.
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