Onitama é un xogo abstracto, de información completa para dous xogadores con configuración inicial aleatoria. Nun taboleiro de 5x5, ambos xogadores comezan con cinco peóns no seu lado, co peón principal no medio.
Cada xogador ten dúas cartas e cada un mostra un posible movemento para calquera das súas pezas. Hai unha quinta carta que ningún dos dous xogadores pode usar. Pola quenda dun xogador, elixe unha das súas cartas, move unha das súas pezas segundo a carta escollida e logo substitúe a carta que usou pola quinta carta. O outro xogador elixe unha das súas cartas, móvese en consecuencia e troca esa carta con esta quinta carta, que é, por suposto, a carta que o primeiro xogador acaba de usar.
Mover sobre un dos peóns do oponente elimina ese peón do xogo. Comer o peón principal do rival, ou mover o teu peón principal no espazo inicial do peón principal do rival, darache a partida.
Número de xogadores: 2
Duración do xogo: 11 mn
Complexidade: 2 / 5
Xoga Onitama e outros 988 xogos en liña.
Non son necesarias descargas - xogad directamente dende o teu navegador.
Cós teus amigos e miles de xogadores do mundo enteiro.
De balde.
Xoga Onitama e outros 988 xogos en liña.
Non son necesarias descargas - xogad directamente dende o teu navegador.
Cós teus amigos e miles de xogadores do mundo enteiro.
De balde.
Sumario de regras
- Both players have 5 pawns, 4 students and 1 master.
- The master starts on the temple arch.
- 2 students start on each side of the master.
- Shuffle the 16 move cards and deal 2 to each player face up as their starting hand.
- Put another card in the middle.
- Remove the remaining 11 move cards from the game.
- The player with the same colour as the stamp in the middle goes first.
- On your turn, do these two actions in order:
- 1. Move
- 2. Exchange
- If you can make a legal move, you must make it.
- If you can't make a legal move, you must skip moving and still exchange.
- Choose one of the two move cards in your hand.
- Then, choose a pawn and move it as shown on the card.
- The square grid illustrates the possible moves.
- The black square in the middle represents the space your chosen pawn occupies.
- The coloured spaces show where your pawn can move in relation to its starting position.
- You can move your pawn to any one of the spaces indicated.
- Other pawns and temple arches don't block the movement of the pawn across the board.
- You can never make a move that would cause a pawn to move off the board or move onto the same square as one of your own pawns.
- If your pawn moves onto a square that is occupied by one of your opponent's pawns, the opponent's pawn is immediately captured and removed from the game.
- Moving over or through a square occupied by an opponent's piece does not capture it.
- Add the move card in the middle to your hand.
- You may use it starting from the next turn.
- Take the move card you just used and place it in the middle facing your opponent.
- If you couldn't move, you can choose either of the two cards in your hand.
- There are two ways to win:
- Capture your opponent's master pawn.
- Move your master pawn to your opponent's temple arch space.