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Mesa #644074829
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Amosar rexistros de partida
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Show values for vp and lira icons
Enables Winter Pass Action

Opcións do xogo

Modo de xogo
Velocidade do xogo
Horario de xogo
Friendly Variant
Mama & Papa Choice
Este xogo foi actualizado dende que comezou o xogo: Polo que a repetición é EXPERIMENTAL.
Year: 1 Estación: Winter
Give tour to gain (2)
Build one structure
Sell at least one grape or buy/sell one field
Harvest one field
Pay (4) to train one
Make up to two wines
Gain (1)
for this year
Choose wake-up positions
Worker Placement
2 xogadores
3-4 players
5-6 players
Draw 1 Visitor card
Worker Placement
2 xogadores
3-4 players
5-6 players
Year End
Age grape and wine tokens
Retrieve workers
Collect residual payments
Discard down to 7 cards
Rotate first player
SponsorDraw 2 OR gain (3). You may lose (1) to do both.
Played cards history (2)

marklim 0 0 0 Jess Stephan 0/4: No more workers

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
TeacherMake up to 2 OR pay (2) to train 1 worker.
ReaperHarvest up to 3 fields. If you harvest 3 fields, gain (2).
Cards not visible in spectator mode

DanSfr 4 0 0 Teruyo Jerry 1/3:

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
Cards not visible in spectator mode

Aurymas 11 0 0 Nicole Josh 1/4:

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
Cards not visible in spectator mode

edad90 8 0 0 Nici Rafael 0/5: No more workers

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
Cards not visible in spectator mode



0 -324932717 eur Visitor-324


Amosar rexistros de partida
Amosa información útil
Show values for vp and lira icons
Enables Winter Pass Action

Opcións do xogo

Modo de xogo
Velocidade do xogo
Horario de xogo
Friendly Variant
Mama & Papa Choice

Nota: O 3D é experimental

Eres un espectador desta partida
5 días
Amosar cursor
0 0 0 0/4: No more workers
6 días
Amosar cursor
4 0 0 1/3:
5 días
Amosar cursor
11 0 0 1/4:
7 días
Amosar cursor
8 0 0 0/5: No more workers
Espectadores: Visitor-324932717
edad90 trains a new worker for (4)
07:45 PM
marklim trains a new worker for (4)
05:19 PM
Aurymas trains a new worker for (3)
05:02 PM
Starting season Inverno
DanSfr draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
05:08 AM
edad90 rouba 1 carta(s) de visitante de verán
12:52 AM
marklim draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
marklim rouba 1 carta(s) de visitante de verán
3/18/2025 12:04 AM
Aurymas rouba 1 carta(s) de visitante de verán
05:51 PM
Starting season Fall
edad90 passes
05:41 PM
DanSfr passes
edad90 sells field 3 for 7
05:39 PM
marklim passes
05:20 PM
DanSfr gets (2)
05:13 PM
edad90 rouba 2 carta(s) de vide
04:49 PM
marklim refuses action
marklim obtén (3)
marklim plays summer visitor card Patrocinador
04:26 PM
Aurymas passes
04:24 PM
DanSfr gets a vp from windmill effect
DanSfr plants Malvasia in field 3
06:40 AM
edad90 gets (3)
06:31 AM
marklim pays (3) and builds Cottage
04:50 AM
Aurymas gets a vp (1) from location bonus
Aurymas sells field 1 for 5
3/17/2025 04:18 AM
Starting season Verán
edad90 escolle a hora de espertar 5 e obtén unha carta de visitante de verán
07:38 PM
Aurymas escolle a hora de espertar 1
07:32 PM
DanSfr escolle a hora de espertar 6 e obtén (1)
06:38 PM
marklim escolle a hora de espertar 2 e obtén unha carta de vide
06:10 PM
Starting year 1
edad90 escolle a opción de papá Rafael e obtén un traballador
05:24 PM
Aurymas escolle a lira adicional de papá Josh: 3 + 4 = 7
05:22 PM
DanSfr constrúe Windmill
03:32 PM
marklim constrúe Irrigation
edad90 draws 1 wine order card(s)
edad90 rouba 2 carta(s) de vide
Aurymas draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
Aurymas rouba 1 carta(s) de vide
DanSfr draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
DanSfr rouba 2 carta(s) de vide
marklim draws 2 wine order card(s)
marklim rouba 1 carta(s) de visitante de verán
marklim escolle á mamá Jess e ao papá Stephan
3/16/2025 12:45 PM
DanSfr escolle á mamá Teruyo e ao papá Jerry
05:45 AM
Aurymas escolle á mamá Nicole e ao papá Josh
05:01 AM
edad90 escolle á mamá Nici e ao papá Rafael
02:11 AM
A cor de DanSfr , edad90 foi escollida dacordo ás súas preferencias. Cambia as miñas preferencias.
3/15/2025 12:55 AM
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