Benvido a Board Game Arena!
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Non son necesarias descargas - xogad directamente dende o teu navegador.
Cós teus amigos e miles de xogadores do mundo enteiro.
De balde.
11 231 000 opoñentes a desafíar en 988 partidas.
De balde. Agora.
Xoga dende o teu navegador, en todos os teus dispositivos.
PC / Mac, iOS e Tabletas Android, Smartphones, Wii U, Playstation, Xbox One, ...
Compite contra o mundo enteiro
De balde!
7 840 000 partidas xogadas cada mes
Dispoñible en 42 linguaxes e máis de 200 paÃses.
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En tempo real ou por quendas.
Durante a túa pausa para xantar - ou mentras te desplazas?
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Só ou con amigos?
Principiante ou Profesional?
Descobre e convertete en mestre.
Aprende novos xogos ou mellora o teu rendemento aos teus xogos favoritos, todo ao teu ritmo.
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Únete ás clasificacións dos xogos e atópate con novos desafíos! Os mellores xogadores ascenden nas clasificacións!
Move a carta ao espazo libre. É tan sinxelo como parece
Ben feito!
Grandes xogos só para ti!
Os mellores xogos de onte e hoxe, adaptados para xogar en liña.
arknova, Terraforming Mars, CATAN, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, forestshuffle, Splendor, Castelos de Borgoña, harmonies, 7 Wonders Duel, Agricola, Space Base, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Toma 6!, heat, It's a Wonderful World, Can't Stop, Hanabi, Océanos de papel, tickettorideeurope, 7 Wonders, King of Tokyo, smallworld, Faraway, orleans, Yahtzee, Lucky Numbers, challengers
Ver todo
Kingdomino, cartographers, Patchwork, ageofinnovation, supermegaluckybox, castlecombo, darwinsjourney, zenith, greatwesterntrail, splendorduel, handandfoot, skyteam, gizmos, Terra Mystica, Corazóns, Galaxia: A Conquista, 7 Wonders Architects, Lost Cities, Stone Age, Potion Explosion, El Banquete de Odín, Welcome To, altered, gaiaproject, rummy, azulsummerpavilion, Memoir '44, explodingkittens, BANG!, fromage, survive, Tapestry, CuBirds, flowers, captainflip, Res Arcana, Kingdom Builder, Backgammon, Viticulture, Pandemic, daybreak, frenchtarot, planetunknown, theguildofmerchantexplorers, scythe, Seasons, superstore, Puerto Rico, akropolis, Railroad Ink, Mago, valeofeternity, distilled, spiteandmalice, maracaibo, draftandwriterecords, Through the Ages: unha nova Historia de Civilización, cribbage, Papayoo, Alhambra, solstis, obsession, Chakra, barrage, Earth, deadcells, thecrewdeepsea, odin, bunnykingdom, Innovation, Love Letter, Living Forest, ratsofwistar, Jaipur, Takenoko, Sushi Go!, karvi, canasta, Belote, UNO, pixies, letsgotojapan, mojo, terranova, A Illa dos Gatos, Cabras Montesas, Tock, spades, nextstation, century, The Crew, Dice Forge, Tichu, Break the Code, burglebros, Pirate Kapern, justone, Bubblee Pop, beyondthesun, novaluna, regicide, Downforce, cosmoctopus, looot, spots, newyorkzoo, carcassonnehuntersandgatherers, A pocha, bandido, riverofgold, caverna, bloodrage, Saint Petersburg, sagani, coinche, LLAMA, Tokaido, rollforthegalaxy, bonsai, Martian Dice, middleages, rivervalleyglassworks, kingsinthecorner, nanatoridori, fivetribes, hardback, Tzolk'in, OsoPark, Clans of Caledonia, nextstationparis, Saboteur, Dice Hospital, turingmachine, harvest, cantstopexpress, knarr, For Sale, riftforce, texasholdem, framework, decrypto, hadrianswall, anachrony, chromino, dicedveggies, tikal, locomomo, thewolves, Shifting Stones, wonderfulkingdom, warchest, Applejack, Sushi Go Party!, mycity, golf, rallymandirt, mycityrb, Tuareg, Nidavellir, ginrummy, beerbread, Koi-Koi, farkle, euchre, gnomehollow, praga, Xadrez, Rallyman: GT, pathofcivilization, Arquitectos do Reino do Oeste, citadels, Stella – Dixit Universe, Marrakech, finca, stonespinearchitects, reflexión(Reflection), The Voyages of Marco Polo, Marco Polo II: Ao Servizo do Khan, yokohama, spellbook, shutthebox, liverpoolrummy, Incan Gold, openfacechinesepoker, Santorini, jumpdrive, myshelfie, carnegie, botanicus, nextstationtokyo, ratjack, thurnandtaxis, draculahelsing, Colt Express, Alcachofas? Non, grazas!, boop, catinthebox, takenokolor, abyss, pandaspin, Just Desserts, ancientknowledge, Draftosaurus, paxrenaissance, Tranquility, naishi, Mini Rogue, Cranio, pocketcats, metro, Codex Naturalis, luxor, Hive, El Grande, railwaysoftheworld, teotihuacan, Haiclue, umbrella, Fluxx, Russian Railroads, nimalia, ludo, dominoes, amalfi, Construtores: Idade Media, Ultimate Railroads, paxpamir, rolltothetopjourneys, similo, La Granja, troyes, tashkalar, evolution, tigriseuphrates, mlem, canvas, eternitium, agestofrobinhood, setup, lettertycoon, scopa, Dungeon Roll, slide, villagers, hadara, Automobiles, Concept, dinogenics, Coup, Rainforest, Coloretto, Hugo, Trio, rollandbump, newton, festival, viamagica, rage, Mr. Jack, potionsofazerland, Dobble, gammelogic, lostseas, 13 Clues, doglover, painttheroses, coalbaron, Conecta catro, quartermastergeneraleastfront, hanamikoji, quantum, eminentdomain, Color Pop, Red7, trailblazers, perfectwords, Happy City, afterus, pyramidoft, president, dungeonpetz, gonutsfordonuts, rauha, Sobek: 2 Xogadores, botanik, glassroad, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, copenhagen, kahuna, Flaming Pyramids, refuge, Non gracias!, P.I., Cacao, digupadventure, bagofchips, Oriflamme, dedale, sixtyone, nowboarding, gemsofiridescia, Afundir a Flota, machiavelli, cityofthebigshoulders, federation, conspiracy, spacestationphoenix, schroedingerscats, newfrontiers, wizardsgrimoire, glow, thattimeyoukilledme, tranquilitytheascent, pentaquest, trekkingtheworld, goldblivion, Reversi, photosynthesis, superfantasybrawl, romirami, ginkgopolis, clashofdecks, A Illa Proibida, theshipwreckarcana, architectsofamytis, foreverhome, trektwelve, ageofcivilization, orchard, bunnyboom, signorie, capereurope, Evergreen, dragonwood, gostop, vaalbara, hens, deus, Onitama, akeruption, shogun, Damas chinesas, resist, fornorthwood, Caylus, littlefactory, stupormundi, Lewis & Clark, Not Alone, donuts, golfie, quibbles, thefoxintheforest, 99 (xogo de suma de cartas), chocolatefactory, Quoridor, Mandala, chicagoexpress, Perudo, treos, moonriver, Abalone, whisttwentytwo, Battle Sheep, numberdrop, expeditions, dungeontwister, starfluxx, mindcycling, Jekyll contra Hyde, illustori, grumblestone, Quarto, grovesolitaire, Celestia, offtherails, nippon, lure, Madeira, thefoxintheforestduet, elfenland, Butterfly, lineit, dicycards, chemicaloverload, Haggis, imhotep, Tobago, Welcome to... New Las Vegas, getonboard, Go, noneshallpass, mythicbattlesragnarok, cubosaurs, spaceempires, noah, insidejob, gangofdice, gosux, rollingpins, inori, icecoldicehockey, dicehospitaler, mexica, fleet, libertalia, kado, cardiceo, yokai, Buttons, Monster Factory, vault, tortugasixteensixtyseven, The Boss, mechadream, hawaii, Construtores: Antigüidade, quadratacanada, Sapiens, gangsta, fivethreefive, dobro, orionduel, sobek, trellis, Brisca, fairytrails, Damas, elawa, mindup, hiddenleaders, megajackpot, seikatsu, crusadersthywillbedone, rumbleplanet, dvonn, highseason, Battle of LITS, quartzdice, knister, timelinetwist, troyesdice, Krosmaster Arena, dogpark, gogoa, dungeonrummy, dicethemepark, farmclub, origin, twentyfourseven, tinyepicdefenders, minhwatu, dicedtomatoes, splitter, dinosaurteaparty, neom, Dragonheart, undergrove, uptown, Gomoku, biomos, isleoftrainsallaboard, solarstorm, No ano do dragon, boreal, keyflower, boomerangaustralia, ghostathome, Lords of Xidit, Taluva, battlespiritssaga, buyword, caboodle, Senet, thewaytojuliet, worldwidetennis, diceathlon, niagara, ontour, palace, zuuli, nibble, goodcopbadcop, kingsguild, colorado, arctic, vultureculture, splito, tucano, klaverjassen, mercadodelisboaste, sail, hungariantarokk, divideetimpera, cloudcity, eriantys, sakura, threethousandscoundrels, cosmosempires, tulipandrose, Nine Men's Morris, Room 25, regidice, goldwest, pugsinmugs, throneandthegrail, boomerangusa, aurum, Kalah, astra, shogi, unclechestnuttablegype, Koryo, vidrasso, ninetynine, eightmastersrevenge, ticketgagnant, kamon, zooloretto, homeworlds, lookatthestars, roadtothreehoundred, Secret Moon, fruitpicking, thirtyone, thatslife, Oxono, arcticscavengers, babydinosaurrescue, streets, stockpile, caravan, battleforhill, kami, dotsandboxes, Turn the tide, theittybittycardgame, yokaiseptet, amyitis, greasyspoon, tictacmatch, roppyakken, diamonds, oasis, nangaparbat, crisps, sherlockthirteen, wordtraveler, qawale, Nautilus, K2, iwari, lumen, Stir Fry Eighteen, getonboardparisrome, choconnect, nicodemus, Crazy Farmers, talon, skat, linx, spiritsoftheforest, polis, myfirstcastlepanic, piepmatz, Small Islands, thegnomesofzavandor, theyellowhouse, ultimatetictactoe, Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game, lamarcheducrabe, heckinhounds, schnapsen, quetzal, mow, blueskies, dronesvsseagulls, tournay, almadi, themotherroad, Connect6, bigtwo, ohseven, pinochle, mastersofrenaissance, Noir: Asasino contra Detective, solowhist, capybarancapybara, steamrollers, catcafe, dingosdreams, hypnosia, simplicity, xiangqi, rainbow, zefiria, blackjack, takaraisland, strawberrysunset, cinco, crazyeights, Through the Ages, baolakiswahili, dickory, Pingimus, medina, flipfreighters, rollintotown, strands, flowersmandalagame, sevens, stalkexchange, twinpalms, Big Time Soccer, dicesummoners, balloonpop, pente, pontedeldiavolo, thenumber, pond, forage, tumbleweed, lepidoptery, crimezoom, exitstrategy, blooms, ninjan, dobbleconnect, kulami, robotsateourpizza, gaia, okanagan, girafferaffe, ekko, bombay, tiwanaku, heroesofhellas, Tea Time, restinpeace, mutantcrops, thejellymonsterlab, onceuponaforest, boomerangeurope, parisconnection, nainjaune, oneohone, divercite, coupell, ageofchampagne, herd, sheepboombah, tienlen, iceandthesky, aknile, hokito, expressions, eightyeight, bossquest, artthief, chimerastation, golems, narabi, cairn, Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe, odicey, trickoftherails, fightthelandlord, yaniv, ToeShamBo, Evo, soulaween, Yoxii, dontgointhere, giftoftulips, amazonas, paniclab, bacon, getthemacguffin, fika, China Gold, bigmonster, alakablast, pyramidpoker, tinyturbocars, Herooj, mighty, betta, greatsplit, Bobail, Squadro, assyria, veggiegarden, personanongrata, diablo, draftcider, Circle of Life, forks, meridians, fifteendays, grund, claim, unrest, nachopile, lifeline, cheeztricks, cucumber, tinyfarms, saintpoker, twelvechips, crypt, pylos, gofish, sparts, vektorace, dragoncastle, tanghulu, kiriaitheduel, mapsofmisterra, skatelegend, volto, Lady's Choice, dinnerinparis, microdojo, queenskings, bauer, colorflush, nylonppong, castlesofcaleira, legendraiders, quato, Penalty Challenge, bahamataxi, kingdoms, geekoutmasters, Dark Agent, kmakici, quantik, stonks, pokerdice, Fibonachos, Hex, factum, mijnlieff, quinque, letscatchthelion, festivibes, Kabaleo, openseason, inverteddice, Krosmaster Blast, Metromania, cairocorridor, onda, veronatwist, pyrgos, thebrambles, mia, turncoats, kingofthepitch, Tablut, cucco, cephalopod, vegetables, lielow, aves, hoola, epizodiak, unitedsquare, Ying Yang, qango, coinage, barbu, durak, thermopyles, Lines of Action, egocentricworld, cannonades, bandada, silo, bug, ladyandthetiger, fractal, mattock, hoarders, tapas, Alveole, zola, linkage, murusgallicus, leroydesribauds, neutreeko, ecarte, Dodo, fistfulofgold, xxung, Gygès, modten, hadron, Soluna, commanderchess, gardennation, pook, carrara, riichimahjong, envelopesofcash, blockarena, seotda, lostexplorers, toepen, veletas, germanwhist, Inventores Lendarios, batalladecoronas, auntiemildred, fourcolorcards, cradletograve, canosa, cookieaddict, maatatahay, vaultdenofthieves, parklife, emdomicrocosm, hydroracers, knockoutwhist, Isaac, quattuorreges, evl, mate, trike, Mammalath, eck, guile, icebreaker, zener, outlaws, Flume, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, northwestpassage, spyrium, Time Masters, armadora, twintinbots, florenzacardgame, Logger, jumpgate, kqj, Remember When, caribbeanallfours, khronos, dragonkeeper, Guildes, Penny Press, GORami, finity, explorationwarzone, marram, Con Sonar!, steamworks, biyi, pedro, Medo, grosstarock, phat, ONE, grandbazaar, bids, homesteaders, lineae, herrlof, detectivepoker, blaze, forex, Gopher, faifo, mascarade, minnesotawhist, sensei, artdecko, mue, samarkand, imtheboss, lasvegan, trusis, piereighteen, tinnerstrail, rive, oust, dragonbridge, ekonos, konane, impasse, perikles, coins, splashdown, bamboozle, tuned, reflectionsinthelookingglass, allin, empireplateau, sahwari, wastelandia, nap, humanity, quirkyquarks, fortytwo, goblinhood, fourgardens, khiva, circleoflifesavannah, lunar, zookeepers, thelast, powervacuum, blot, norsemen, Diam´s, djambi, gearnpiston, ledernierpeuple, hacktrick, dragonline, ruhr, nxs, thrive, rolledwest, theninedomains, senshi, calypso, troggu, morocco, scriptoria, krakenup, redstone, raubbau, quintus, megalomania, sasaki, riftvalleyreserve, triatri, sergeantmajor, starshipmerchants, twotenjack, ynarosfallin, tholos, goldncrash, hund, sevenknightsbewitched, micromidgard, metz, danceofmuses, enemyanemone, springcleaning, pescadonovo, resolve, belladonebluff, aniversus, duckcover, safariwitness
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
Únete á Arena. Agora.
Únete á mesa de xogos máis grande do mundo.
Board Game Arena é o maior servizo de xogos de mesa en liña do mundo.
Máis de 11 millóns de opoñentes para desafiar en 988 xogos de mesa famosos.
Ven a xogar arknova, Terraforming Mars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, e moitos máis!
Esta aplicación propón o servizo de xogo Board Game Arena dentro dunha aplicación para Android. Se che gusta, imos indo optimizandoo paso a paso para que sexa unha aplicación aínda mellor, así que apoiao por favor :)
En tempo real ou por quendas.
Durante a túa pausa para xantar - ou mentras te desplazas?
Tranquilo na casa?
Só ou con amigos?
Xoga ao teu ritmo :)
Principiante ou Profesional?
Descobre e convertete en mestre.
Aprende novos xogos ou mellora o teu rendemento aos teus xogos favoritos, todo ao teu ritmo.
Necesitas retos? Únete ás clasificacións dos xogos e atópate con novos desafíos! Os mellores xogadores ascenden nas clasificacións!
Nota: a última versión da lista de xogos dispoñibles está dispoñible aquí:
arknova, Terraforming Mars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, forestshuffle, Splendor, Castelos de Borgoña, harmonies, 7 Wonders Duel, Agricola, Space Base, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Toma 6!, heat, It's a Wonderful World, Can't Stop, Hanabi, Océanos de papel, tickettorideeurope, 7 Wonders, King of Tokyo, smallworld, Faraway, orleans, Yahtzee, Lucky Numbers, challengers, Kingdomino, cartographers, Patchwork, ageofinnovation, supermegaluckybox, castlecombo, darwinsjourney, zenith, greatwesterntrail, splendorduel, handandfoot, skyteam, gizmos, Corazóns, Galaxia: A Conquista, 7 Wonders Architects, Lost Cities, Stone Age, Potion Explosion, El Banquete de Odín, Welcome To, altered, gaiaproject, rummy, azulsummerpavilion, Memoir '44, explodingkittens, BANG!, fromage, survive, Tapestry, CuBirds, flowers, captainflip, Res Arcana, Kingdom Builder, Backgammon, Viticulture, Pandemic, daybreak, frenchtarot, planetunknown, theguildofmerchantexplorers, scythe, Seasons, superstore, Puerto Rico, akropolis, Railroad Ink, Mago, valeofeternity, distilled, spiteandmalice, maracaibo, draftandwriterecords, Through the Ages: unha nova Historia de Civilización, cribbage, Papayoo, Alhambra, solstis, obsession, Chakra, barrage, Earth, deadcells, thecrewdeepsea, odin, bunnykingdom, Innovation, Love Letter, Living Forest, ratsofwistar, Jaipur, Takenoko, Sushi Go!, karvi, canasta, Belote, UNO, pixies, letsgotojapan, mojo, terranova, A Illa dos Gatos, Cabras Montesas, Tock, spades, nextstation, century, The Crew, Dice Forge, Tichu, Break the Code, burglebros, Pirate Kapern, justone, Bubblee Pop, beyondthesun, novaluna, regicide, Downforce, cosmoctopus, looot, spots, newyorkzoo, carcassonnehuntersandgatherers, A pocha, bandido, riverofgold, caverna, bloodrage, Saint Petersburg, sagani, coinche, LLAMA, Tokaido, rollforthegalaxy, bonsai, Martian Dice, middleages, rivervalleyglassworks, kingsinthecorner, nanatoridori, fivetribes, hardback, Tzolk'in, OsoPark, Clans of Caledonia, nextstationparis, Saboteur, Dice Hospital, turingmachine, harvest, cantstopexpress, knarr, For Sale, riftforce, texasholdem, framework, decrypto, hadrianswall, anachrony, chromino, dicedveggies, tikal, locomomo, thewolves, Shifting Stones, wonderfulkingdom, warchest, Applejack, Sushi Go Party!, mycity, golf, rallymandirt, mycityrb, Tuareg, Nidavellir, ginrummy, beerbread, Koi-Koi, farkle, euchre, gnomehollow, praga, Xadrez, Rallyman: GT, pathofcivilization, Arquitectos do Reino do Oeste, citadels, Marrakech...e máis!