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Configuración da partida

Modo de xogo
Modo normal
Velocidade do xogo
Tempo real • Baixa velocidade
This is the recommended number of laps for anyone playing their first few games.
Campaña de Tempada (Expansión)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Track [Single Race Only]
Random (Base Game Tracks Only)
Any track from the base game (Daytona Beach or Monza).
Conxunto de Cartas
Random Card Set
Start with a randomly chosen predefined card set
Allow Base Game Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected may come from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected will not come from the Racing Season expansion.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Contido da Bolsa
Show Full Details of Cubes in your Bag
Unha variante para o xogo en liña: os xogadores poden ver exactamente cantos cubos hai na ´sua bolsa en todo momento. Esta opción é recomendada para partidas por quendas.
Cubos de Neumático
Unha variante recomendada para o xogo en liña: non hai límite ao número dispoñible de cubos de neumático, e sempre gañarás cubos se fai falla.

1 min

tempo medio de espera

Resultado da partida


Configuración da partida

Modo de xogo
Modo normal
Velocidade do xogo
Tempo real • Baixa velocidade
+ 1:20 por quenda (máximo 5:00 )
This is the recommended number of laps for anyone playing their first few games.
Campaña de Tempada (Expansión)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Track [Single Race Only]
Random (Base Game Tracks Only)
Any track from the base game (Daytona Beach or Monza).
Conxunto de Cartas
Random Card Set
Start with a randomly chosen predefined card set
Allow Base Game Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected may come from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected will not come from the Racing Season expansion.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Contido da Bolsa
Show Full Details of Cubes in your Bag
Unha variante para o xogo en liña: os xogadores poden ver exactamente cantos cubos hai na ´sua bolsa en todo momento. Esta opción é recomendada para partidas por quendas.
Cubos de Neumático
Unha variante recomendada para o xogo en liña: non hai límite ao número dispoñible de cubos de neumático, e sempre gañarás cubos se fai falla.

Xogadores darredor deste mesa agora mesmo

Información do xogo

Como xogar?

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GRAZAS : Es un dos nosos xogadores máis leais!
Obtén o mellor de Board Game Arena por só $5 / mes.