*It's been a rough year.
*For everyone, worldwide. And it still is.
During this strange time we welcomed more and more players from all around the globe, more developers, more publishers and, overall, more games.
We would like to send our warmest thanks to all of our Premium users: you're not only helping support the infrastructure, but also publishers and game designers from anywhere in the world.
Also, we received many emails telling us about how Board Game Arena helped many people stay sane while in lock-down. To play with friends, family, relatives...
*We keep thinking about all of these messages. And we're thankful to all of the people helping us in here.
It's also a curious time, since having close to **5M player accounts **on BGA isn't something easy to manage. But our small team is on it, 24h a day, 7 days a week, to keep things as enjoyable as we can.
We're improving, tinkering, ding-a-ling every part of the website.
It's not perfect, but we try to improve it: next year could bring some new things to BGA, and a lot of improvements are in progress.
We expect you to be able to witness and enjoy all of this next year.
**But for now, we're close to end this one, since tomorrow we'll be in December.
As the year was hard, we wanted to thank you for playing on BGA and supporting us.
We have more publishers joining BGA every day, as well as developers.
And we just can't keep the usual Wednesday Release schedule.
Not that we're missing games, but actually the opposite: we have a lot, and we need to release more of them!
That's why we came up with a simple idea: Like an advent calendar, let's make this one an
Opus Magnum is Latin for Masterpiece. Could also be used as "Work well done".
We pushed our team to the limit, with the help of our developers, to bring you a special FULL month of NEW games.
How ?
Starting from today, you might have seen a new block below the headline blocks on our home page:
A December 2020 Calendar.
Each days of December, you'll be able to click the daily gift that will show you our release of the day.
ONE New Game Release EACH DAY. For 31 Days.
That's 31 Games for December.
From classics to novelties, indies to famous titles, you'll have a new game to discover each time the moon rises (on Paris time).
You'll be able to click on the calendar to see the new games, and you'll also be able to find the releases listed in this post.
But we added a small feature on the calendar: if you come each day to click on the daily gift, you'll get a Trophy as a reward depending on how many days you were able to do so in a row.
That's a way for us to know what has been seen, what has been clicked, and a way to know if that kind of idea can be used on front page to offer more things, later.
*So, for now, here are the games released (the list will be updated daily):
1st December release:
Thurn & Taxis, 2006 Spiel des Jahres, designed by
Andreas Seyfarth & Karen Seyfarth and developed for BGA by Volker78 & tutchek
2nd December release:
Welcome to AND Welcome to VEGAS, designed by
Alexis Allard & Benoît Tupin and developed for BGA by Tisaac & JustinFernal
3rd December release:
99, from
public domain and developed for BGA by QuasarDuke
4th December release:
Flaming Pyramids, designed by
Norbert Abel and developed for BGA by DrNob
5th December release:
Small Islands, designed by
Alexis Allard and developed for BGA by Galeelox
6th December release:
Map Maker, designed by
Louis Lafair, Joshua Lafair, Becca Lafair and developed for BGA by gkz
7th December release:
Solo Whist, from
Public Domain and developed for BGA by Jimblefredberry
8th December release:
Kami, adapted from
Goïta Shogi and developed for BGA by LeSteffen
9th December release:
Luxor, from
Rüdiger Dorn and developed for BGA by Cpasbanal
10th December release:
Hungarian Tarokk, from
Public Domain and developed for BGA by LaszloK
11th December release:
Cacao, from
Phil Walker-Harding and developed for BGA by ExtraPaul
12th December release:
Piraten Kapern, from
Haim Shafir and developed for BGA by VinceS
13th December release:
Off the Rails, from
Andrew Platt, Stuart Platt and developed for BGA by paramesis
14th December release:
Connect 6, from
Professor I-Chen Wu and developed for BGA by VinceS
15th December release:
Spades, from
Public Domain and developed for BGA by VinceS
16th December release:
Saint Petersbug, from
Bernd Brunnhofer and developed for BGA by Marcuda
17th December release:
Cribbage, from
Sir John Suckling and developed for BGA by MikeIsHere
18th December release:
Yokai, from
Julien Griffon and developed for BGA by Galeelox
19th December release:
Quantik, from
Nouri Khalifa and developed for BGA by lyconide
20th December release:
Nanga Parbat, from
Steve Finn and developed for BGA by jonsmiley
21th December release:
Oh-Seven, from
Alex Weldon and developed for BGA by Xom
22th December release:
Bandido, from
Martin Nedergaard Andersen and developed for BGA by Harkle & ophelopède
23th December release:
Concept, from
Gaëtan Beaujannot & Alain Rivollet and developed for BGA by Tisaac
24th December release:
Haiclue, from
Will Leaf and developed for BGA by Volker78
25th December release:
Via Magica, from
Paolo Mori and developed for BGA by CuriousTerran
26th December release:
Martian Dice, from
Scott Almes and developed for BGA by KuWizard
27th December release:
Dungeon Roll, from
Chris Darden and developed for BGA by MGoulet
28th December release:
Con Sonar!, from
Christian Boutin and developed for BGA by Feunisher
29th December release:
Big Time Soccer, from
Andrew S. Fischer and developed for BGA by DrKarotte
30th December release:
Forbidden Island, from
Matt Leacock and developed for BGA by jeffdi
31th December release:
Klaverjassen, a popular traditional four player trick-tacking card game in the Netherlands,
developed for BGA by wolmot.
Please don't forget that you can report any issues or bugs through our BUG REPORT form, at the bottom of the website. You'll get in touch directly with the developers and that way, they can fix issues quickly. But don't forget to read the games rules before 😉
We're really waiting on your feedback about this special event, that is a way to thank all of our members who are making BGA the world's #1 place to play boardgames.
If you want to help furthermore publishers and game designers, don't forget that you can also buy the real games from many shops around the world, in your area. If you enjoy them, that's also a good way to reward them.
*We would like to thanks all our partners for their efforts during this year.
The best is yet to come.
And next year, we're expecting to continue offering you the best we can.
Take care and... play fair!*
Ian, Greg, Emmanuel and Jurica.
BGA Team.
Opus Magnum decembro: Rematamos este ano moi ben, xuntos.
Foi un ano duro.
Para todos, en todo o mundo.
E aínda o é.
Durante este estraño tempo recibimos a cada vez máis xogadores de todo o mundo, máis desenvolvedores, máis editores e, en xeral, máis xogos.
Queremos enviar os nosos máis agradecidos a todos os nosos usuarios Premium: non só estás axudando a apoiar a infraestrutura, senón tamén aos editores e deseñadores de xogos de calquera parte do mundo.
Ademais, recibimos moitos correos electrónicos que nos falaban de como o Board Game Arena axudou a moita xente a estar san durante o bloqueo.
Para xogar con amigos, familiares, familiares ...
Seguimos pensando en todas estas mensaxes.
E agradecemos a toda a xente que nos axude aquí.
Tamén é un momento curioso, xa que ter preto de 5 millóns de contas de reprodutor en BGA non é algo doado de xestionar.
Pero o noso pequeno equipo está presente as 24 horas do día, os 7 días da semana, para que as cousas sexan o máis agradables posible.
Estamos mellorando, xogando, ding-a-ling cada parte do sitio web.
Non é perfecto, pero intentamos melloralo: o ano que vén podería traer cousas novas a BGA e hai moitas melloras en curso.
Agardamos que poida asistir e disfrutar de todo isto o próximo ano.
Pero, polo de agora, estamos preto de rematar este, xa que mañá estaremos en decembro.
Como o ano foi duro, queríamos agradecerche por xogar en BGA e apoiarnos.
Cada día temos máis editores que se unen a BGA, así como desenvolvedores.
E simplemente non podemos manter o horario habitual de lanzamento do mércores.
Non é que nos falten xogos, senón o contrario: temos moitos e necesitamos lanzar máis deles.
É por iso que se nos ocorreu unha idea sinxela: como un calendario de adventos, fagamos deste
Opus Magnum é o nome latino de Masterpiece.
Tamén se podería usar como "Traballo ben feito".
Levamos ao noso equipo ata o límite, coa axuda dos nosos desenvolvedores, para traerche un mes COMPLETO especial de novos xogos.
A partir de hoxe pode que vexas un novo bloque debaixo dos bloques de titulares da nosa páxina de inicio:
Un calendario de decembro de 2020.
Todos os días de decembro poderás facer clic no agasallo diario que che amosará o lanzamento do día.
Lanzamento dun novo xogo CADA DÍA. Durante 31 días.
Son 31 xogos para decembro.
Dende clásicos ata novidades, indies e títulos famosos, terás un novo xogo que descubrir cada vez que sae a lúa (a hora de París).
Poderás facer clic no calendario para ver os novos xogos e tamén poderás atopar as versións que aparecen nesta publicación.
Pero engadimos unha pequena función no calendario: se vés cada día a facer clic no agasallo diario, recibirás un Trofeo como recompensa en función de cantos días foses seguido.
Ese é un xeito de saber o que se viu, o que se fixo clic e un xeito de saber se ese tipo de idea pode usarse na portada para ofrecer máis cousas máis tarde.
Entón, por agora, aquí están os xogos lanzados (a lista actualizarase diariamente):
Lanzamento do 1 de decembro:
Thurn & Taxis, 2006 Spiel des Jahres, deseñado por
Andreas Seyfarth e Karen Seyfarth e desenvolvido para BGA por Volker78 & tutchek
Lanzamento do 2 de decembro:
Benvido a E Benvido a VEGAS,, deseñado por
Alexis Allard e Benoît Tupin e desenvolvido para BGA por Tisaac e JustinFernal
Lanzamento do 3 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 4 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 5 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 6 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 7 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 8 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 9 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 10 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 11 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 12 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 13 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 14 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 15 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 16 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 17 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 18 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 19 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 20 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 21 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 22 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 23 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 24 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 25 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 26 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 27 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 28 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 29 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 30 de decembro:
Lanzamento do 31 de decembro:
Non esquezas que podes informar de calquera problema ou erro a través do noso formulario INFORME DE ERROS, situado na parte inferior do sitio web.
Contactarás directamente cos desenvolvedores e así poderán solucionar os problemas rapidamente.
Pero non esquezas ler as regras dos xogos antes
Estamos realmente esperando os teus comentarios sobre este evento especial, que é un xeito de agradecer a todos os nosos membros que fan de BGA o lugar número 1 do mundo para xogar aos xogos de mesa.
Se queres axudar ademais a editores e deseñadores de xogos, non esquezas que tamén podes mercar xogos reais en moitas tendas de todo o mundo da túa zona.
Se os gozas, tamén é unha boa forma de recompensalos.
Queremos agradecer a todos os nosos socios os seus esforzos durante este ano.
O mellor esta por chegar.
E o ano que vén esperamos seguir ofrecéndolle o mellor que podemos.
Coidado e ...
xoga xusto!
Ian, Greg, Emmanuel e Jurica.
Equipo BGA.