Esta páxina da wiki da BGA wiki amosase en inglés porque non hai contido ainda na túa linguaxe. Síntete libre de creala!
Pay attention to the other players' bids
- Both during bidding and play!
- Bids are generally trustworthy, with the exception of the dealer possibly getting hooked.
- Seeing whether the hand is underbid or overbid will tell you whether it will be harder to win tricks or to lose tricks.
- Know who has to win or lose the current trick and who still has the flexibility to try and ruin your plans.
Middle cards
- If it doesn't disrupt your plans, try to play your questionable middle cards that could go either way early. That way you have the rest of the hand to adjust.
Esta páxina ven da wiki da BGA, e foi escrita pola comunidade de xogadores da BGA. Non dubides en editala!