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#81842: "Recently Drawn Cards"
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Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
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I like flagging cards green, yellow, and red. However, after I have cards flagged that way, and then I draw new cards (since they do not go at the end of the hand) the new cards get mixed in the middle somewhere. It would be nice if there was something that showed your most recently drawn cards. Not sure exactly how to reconcile it with the flags, but it is disorienting looking through a lot of cards, trying to figure out which one did you just recently drawed.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v110
Historial de informes
20. Feb 2023 20:47 •
bennygui • Aos desenvolvedores lles gustaría ter máis información acerca desta suxerencia:
20. Feb 2023 21:00 • They are placed right before the red flags. So if you don't have any cards with flags, they are always added at the end. Red flags are at the end so they are added before the red flags.
I'll think about this...
I'll think about this...
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