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Informes de tashkalar_displayed
#75459: "Frozen effect doesn't disappear after using"
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Amosar erro: algunha información da partida amosada era errónea (sen consecuencias importantes na partida)
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Around turn #100 I used my frozen effect of ICE WYVERN, but it didnt disappear, it was still in the frozen box next to my avatar.
I used some UNDOs that turn, so I gues its the cause.
It's there even in game replay.
I was not able to use it again next turn and after refreshing page it disapeard.
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Google Chrome v107
Historial de informes
8. Nov 2022 23:52 •
Quinarbre • O erro foi comfirmado polos desenvolvedores:
9. Nov 2022 23:39 • Indeed, it seems to be a mistake when using Undo during a frozen effect.
Not game-breaking though, I won't fix it right away but I'll keep it in mind.
Not game-breaking though, I won't fix it right away but I'll keep it in mind.
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Por favor engade aquí calquera cousa que sexa relevante para reproducir este erro ou entender a túa suxestión:
- Outro DI de mesa / ID de movemento
- Premer F5 resolveu o problema?
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- Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquí.