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Informes de Lost Ruins of Arnak
#66249: "UI should double-check with player before executing undoable action"
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Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
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My friends and I have very much enjoyed playing [i]Lost Ruins of Arnak[/i] on BGA (we all own the physical game as well!) However, the user interface could be improved a bit. In particular, if any action by a player would result in Undo no longer being possible, the game should prompt the user with a warning something like: "That action will be undoable. Do you wish to proceed?"
Here's an example: playing the Snake Temple board, when you research the 4th tier with the glass you are able to select one of the research assistants from a pile there. You actually only see the top of the assistants on the pile, but when you move your glass there by clicking on the pile of assistants, you then see all of them and can click on the one you want to obtain. The pile is then placed back on the board, but he other players will still only see the top-most assistant.
In a game I mistakenly clicked on the pile (I was just trying to hover the cursor over it) and I was now locked into making a selection with no possibility of undoing. I would have much preferred if, upon clicking on the pile, I'd obtained the warning message described above. I agree with the action being undoable, since the player has gained information about which assistants are in the pile, but not with being locked into getting that information prematurely.
There are other situations where this warning message and the ability to abort actions arise.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v102
Historial de informes
17. Xuñ 2022 19:09 •
ErikPeter • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
22. Feb 2024 0:15 • This issue also extends to cards like Fishing Rod: "Buy an item with a discount of 3 coins. Include the top card of the item deck." I mistakenly clicked that card when I wanted to use its travel icon, and since the top card was hidden information the action cannot be undone. Un-undoable actions should have a confirmation popup.
Zalk • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
4. Mar 2024 9:37 • I've played "Fishing rod" and after that I accidentally press on "Pack Donkey" (game shouldn't allow me to play it). I've received 2 cards, but "Fishing rod" and "Pack Donkey" were discarded and turn was finished, I didn't buy anything. And now me and my opponent see 7 cards in the shop.
Table #482550591 turn #94
Table #482550591 turn #94
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