18. Ago 2021 22:39 •
Geddy19 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
19. Ago 2021 0:30 •
diamant •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
You need an action to use this assistant. Click on a card which is not highlighted is useless.
Probably not a bug.
19. Ago 2021 5:14 •
Geddy19 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Absolutely right, and embarrassing for me. So - not a bug after all, although the error could be handled better - perhaps clicking that assistant as a free action just triggers a message like, “This assistant cannot be used as a free action.”
19. Ago 2021 5:15 •
Geddy19 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Oh, and thanks for the quick reply!
6. Set 2021 23:08 •
hemulen •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
F5 did not solve the problem. Only option was to undo the turn. next turn it worked fine.
22. Nov 2021 14:51 •
donbettyr •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I had 2 compasses and golden assistant. Tried to buy the 4-compass card, but the game's GUI said that I don't have enough compasses. I had to buy the 2-gold card free of charge. =(
10. Dec 2021 16:28 •
Etherion •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Erreur inattendue : This transition (playArt) is impossible at this state (6) (reference: GS3 10/12 16:26:55)
9. Mar 2022 2:44 •
DocNott •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
never mind, it takes an action.
I guess instead of a bug, should it maybe not highlight the items and relics when you click on the assistant if the action is not available?
4. Ago 2022 17:49 •
Tigernat1 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Just like when you try a 2nd main action, the game should not allow you to select this assistant then highlight the purchase row.
When you click this assistant after performing a main action, the error, "A main action has already been performed" (or whatever the exact text of that message is) should appear
8. Set 2022 18:25 •
Yitzhak86 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Buy an artifact card at a 1-compass discount by using an assistant.
8. Set 2022 18:30 •
Yitzhak86 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
This transition (playArt) is impossible at this state (6) (reference: GS3 10/12 16:26:55)
F5 did not solve the problem.
8. Set 2022 18:35 •
Yitzhak86 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Table #294630014
Move #229
Progression 80%
It's your turn!
9. Set 2022 9:28 •
Rebel-pl •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I can't buy artifacts with asistant's discount
29. Xan 2023 9:49 •
isafi •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Je voulais utiliser l'assistant qui me faisant économiser deux boussole ou deux pièces pour acheter un artefact ou un objet. Les cartes à acheter étaient bien encadrées en rouge, mais le message d'erreur apparaissait quand j'en choisissais une. J'ai essayé plusieurs fois la touche F5 sans résultats puis j'ai été exclue du jeu pour délai dépassé.
17. Mar 2023 3:22 •
Oarphat •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Bought the "Ancient Wine" artifact and attempted to use discount assistant to purchase another 4 compass artifact. I had 2 compasses and should have been able to buy the 4 compass artifact with the discount but game stated I did not have enough compasses. I was then able to buy a 2 gold tool for free which indicates that the game recognized the gold side of the assistant for tool purchases but not artifacts.
29. Mar 2023 20:19 •
Csigs •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Using Ancient Wine is an Action, not a Free Action.
22. Abr 2023 15:58 •
GezEvans •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Move #252
Unable to buy a 4-compass cost artifact with the upgraded version of the assistant. I had 2 compasses but received a message that I did not have enough. I used a card that gave me one more compass, then I was permitted to buy the card. This action deducted all three compasses from my supply
22. Set 2023 13:00 •
danielvictor •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I have the grey-haired assistant with a moustache who gives discounts on purchases of items and artifacts.I clicked on him to buy a guiding skull - cost 4.He should enable me to buy it at a cost of three compasses- which is what I have.But the system keeps saying 'not enough compasses'. I have been clicking on the assistant first,then the interface asks me to choose an item to buy,so when I click on the skull,I should be allowed to buy it at a discount.
22. Set 2023 13:24 •
danielvictor •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I eventually had to use an idol bonus to get a compass before I could buy the artifact.Then the system gave me the discount,so I would up with a compass I didn't need having had to use an idol bonus to get it. The interface seems to be applying the discount only after you buy the item.
1. Xan 2024 12:04 •
garbo shn •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Errore inaspettato:This transition (main_action_done) is impossible at this state (6) (reference: GS3 01/01 11:58:23)
Assistant with a two coin discount was unable to buy card "sturdy boots"(1 coin)
3. Mar 2024 23:02 •
Skerrick •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I had the exact problem (error popped up about a missing animation), it was only after coming here and reading this thread I realised it was an invalid move because it wasn't a free action. It'd be nice if it was a human-readable "this is an action" message instead of what looks like a bug.
9. Mar 2024 19:31 •
rocketmanchad •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
This occurred when using artifact "Ancient Wine". I possessed unupgraded assistant to buy tool or artifact at discount. Ancient wine should allow me to use gold side of assistant to buy artifact at -2 compass. However it would not allow me to buy a two compass artifact, or any other artifact at all.
22. Mar 2024 20:16 •
EvinaRhiannon •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I'm experiencing exactly what people are describing above. I have the assistant that lets me purchase artifacts and items at a discount, but when I click on it and then click on any of the available items/artifacts, I get one of the following error messages and it tells me to refresh my game (which doesn't help). It happens every single time I try to use this assistant and it doesn't matter which card I try to buy.
Message 1: Unexpected error: This transition (playArt) is impossible at this state (6) (reference: GS3 22/03 20:09:29)
Message 2: Unexpected error: This transition (artWaitArgs) is impossible at this state (6) (reference: GS3 22/03 20:08:36)
Screenshot link:
7. Xul 2024 1:38 •
PL0 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I'm having this issue -- I have 3 compasses (2 from just spending cards), then I click the assistant to purchase with its one compass discount as my main action. there's a message that I don't have enough compass. (None of the unexpected error messages reported above).
7. Xul 2024 1:40 •
PL0 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
Just following up - it seems like it was specific to the "guiding skull" card (second position in my game). I was able to purchase "sacred drum" (3rd position, also 4 compass) successfully.
6. Feb 2025 1:23 •
ElectricDreams430 •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I had 2 compasses and golden assistant. Tried to buy the 4-compass card (guiding skull), but the game's GUI said that I don't have enough compasses.
Table #622539768
Move #231
11. Mar 2025 22:59 •
tremby •
O erro aínda non foi reproducido polos desenvolvedores:
I had the same issue and found this report, and I was in the same situation as OP, i.e. I was in a "free actions only" state.
I'd still say it's a bug though: I either shouldn't be allowed to activate that assistant, or it at least shouldn't say "choose a card to buy" and highlight all the possibilities, when in reality there are none.
Besides, the error message relaying game internals shows that this situation isn't correctly handled in the game code.