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Informes de cribbage_displayed
#46603: "auto play when only one card is available to play"
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Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
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In cribbage if you can play, you have to play. So if there is 24 points out and you have a 10 and a 5, you have to play the 5. or, for example, the last card in your hand. It seems silly to have to wait for a player who has one card left... I think this would enhance the game (as an option or automatically implemented) greatly. Thank you!• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v92
Historial de informes
15. Ago 2021 18:07 •
Stu_1977_SEmelb • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
22. Set 2021 14:54 • For last card, definitely, always. But for "only possible plays" when it is NOT your last card, if that were to be implemented as an option, then this should only apply if your opponent can see you as being logged in and online (and preferably with a randomised timer delay of between, say, three and ten seconds so as to not make it blatantly obvious that cards are being auto-played), as this could otherwise potentially tip off your opponent as to the minimum possible values of your remaining card(s).
Please, please, pleeeease BGA: create an option for Auto-Play Last Card! So many turn-based games can be needlessly held up for so long simply due to the fact a player isn't around just to click on their last remaining card! Then when finally back online, and the motions are run though, the game is held up further because the other player is now not online to put cards in the crib which they could have already done had the first player's card been auto-played! Often the game could simply be finished and over at one of these points anyway, instead of potentially running players' clocks into overtime.
I know they say that it's not BGA policy to ever play any turn for a player, but this is not strictly true; there are games that have auto-validate and auto-select options when there are no other alternatives. Plus look at the improvements made to Patchwork! If there's only one option then the system plays it automatically to keep the game moving! Terrific!
It's not like we have to be online to click an "Okay" button after busting in Can't Stop! It just moves to the next players turn! To that point, more auto-advance options for Can't Stop would be good as well.
Please, please, pleeeease BGA: create an option for Auto-Play Last Card! So many turn-based games can be needlessly held up for so long simply due to the fact a player isn't around just to click on their last remaining card! Then when finally back online, and the motions are run though, the game is held up further because the other player is now not online to put cards in the crib which they could have already done had the first player's card been auto-played! Often the game could simply be finished and over at one of these points anyway, instead of potentially running players' clocks into overtime.
I know they say that it's not BGA policy to ever play any turn for a player, but this is not strictly true; there are games that have auto-validate and auto-select options when there are no other alternatives. Plus look at the improvements made to Patchwork! If there's only one option then the system plays it automatically to keep the game moving! Terrific!
It's not like we have to be online to click an "Okay" button after busting in Can't Stop! It just moves to the next players turn! To that point, more auto-advance options for Can't Stop would be good as well.
Tonyiii • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
25. Abr 2022 9:55 • i agree with this bug suggestion request.
"auto last card play" plwould also assist to speed up the tournament play times.
as this is a programmable option the user can decide to not set it if they wish full control.
"auto last card play" plwould also assist to speed up the tournament play times.
as this is a programmable option the user can decide to not set it if they wish full control.
DrBlues • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
27. Xan 2023 21:26 • Auto last card seems like a no-brainer and would benefit the implementation. Especially for those who play turn-based.
Armadylo • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
28. Xuñ 2023 0:40 • I agree with auto play last card. How much quicker would turn based and tournament games go? It would reduce how many people get booted.
SilverFear • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
8. Set 2023 16:04 •
5. Out 2023 17:35 • Add another vote for auto play last card!!!
miklomike • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
9. Abr 2024 22:27 • Definitely need auto play last card as there is no other option than to play that card.
cofunguy • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
22. Xul 2024 12:01 • agreed...making people "wait" to play the last card, even if it forces a go before playing it, seems reduntant. Also be nice on other games where playing the last card, when there is no choice, should be added as well.
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