#29561: "Please add statistical information in the Final Situation section"
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Descrición detallada
• Por favor, copia e pega a mensaxe de erro que ves na túa pantalla, se houbera algún.
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Por favor, explica o que querÃas facer, o que fixeche e o que pasou
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Google Chrome v87
• Por favor, copia/pega o texto amosado en inglés no canto do teu idioma. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• É este o texto dispoñible no sistema de tradución? Se é asÃ, foi traducido fai máis de 24 horas?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• Qué habÃa na pantalla cando se quedou bloqueado? (mensaxe de erro?, pantalla en blanco?, unha parte da interface do xogo?)
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• Qué parte das regras non se cumpriron na adaptación da BGA?
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• é visible a violación das regras na repetición? Se o é, en que número de movemento?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
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• Qué acción de xogo querÃas realizar?
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Qué é o que tratache de facer para activar esta acción do xogo?
• Qué sucedeu cando o fixeche (a mensaxe de erro, mensaxe na barra de estado do xogo, ...)?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• En que paso do xogo ocorreu o problema (cal foi a instrucción actual do xogo)?
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Qué sucedeu cando tratache de facer unha acción de xogo (mensaxe de erro, mensaxe na barra de estado do xogo, ...)?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• Por favor, describe o problema de visualización. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• Por favor, copia/pega o texto amosado en inglés no canto do teu idioma. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• É este o texto dispoñible no sistema de tradución? Se é asÃ, foi traducido fai máis de 24 horas?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
Most games give some statistical information at the end of the game so you can track these things over time and to get an insight as to how the various points were scored in a particular game. There is zero information given at the end. At least please consider a breakdown of how each player scored their points.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v87
Historial de informes
Carriage level reached
Carriage bonus points
Bonus tiles for long routes (5, 6 or 7 cities long)
Bonus tiles for provinces (with further breakdown by province)
Bonus tiles for all provinces
Bonus tile for game end
Number of cards taken from the face up area
Number of cards taken from face down pile
Number of times used the help of the postal carrier
Number of times used the help of the postmaster
Number of times used the help of the administrator
Number of times used the help of the cartwright
Number of houses placed
Number of roads closed
Number of roads abandoned
Number of cards discarded when closing a road
Average length of roads closed (or total length)
Number of turns played (as a player stat or as a table stat or both)
- Size of road lost at game's end (meaning the number of cards in play for a road that were lost because the game ended)
Engade a este informe
- Outro DI de mesa / ID de movemento
- Premer F5 resolveu o problema?
- Apareceu o problema varias veces? Tódalas veces? Aleatoriamente?
- Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.