#21155: "Undo moves"
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Descrición detallada
• Por favor, copia e pega a mensaxe de erro que ves na túa pantalla, se houbera algún.
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Por favor, explica o que querÃas facer, o que fixeche e o que pasou
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Por favor, copia/pega o texto amosado en inglés no canto do teu idioma. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• É este o texto dispoñible no sistema de tradución? Se é asÃ, foi traducido fai máis de 24 horas?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Qué habÃa na pantalla cando se quedou bloqueado? (mensaxe de erro?, pantalla en blanco?, unha parte da interface do xogo?)
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Qué parte das regras non se cumpriron na adaptación da BGA?
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• é visible a violación das regras na repetición? Se o é, en que número de movemento?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Qué acción de xogo querÃas realizar?
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Qué é o que tratache de facer para activar esta acción do xogo?
• Qué sucedeu cando o fixeche (a mensaxe de erro, mensaxe na barra de estado do xogo, ...)?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• En que paso do xogo ocorreu o problema (cal foi a instrucción actual do xogo)?
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Qué sucedeu cando tratache de facer unha acción de xogo (mensaxe de erro, mensaxe na barra de estado do xogo, ...)?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Por favor, describe o problema de visualización. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Por favor, copia/pega o texto amosado en inglés no canto do teu idioma. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• É este o texto dispoñible no sistema de tradución? Se é asÃ, foi traducido fai máis de 24 horas?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
It would be useful to give the player the opportunity to cancel the current moves when all the planned moves are not finished yet (for instance, if the player have moved 2 energy gems upon 3, and finds out he wasn't a so good idea)• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
Historial de informes
Also it's a bit confusing that if you only select one gem and then click on your bghya bubble to move it, then you can't select a second gem. A confirmation step would help avoid this
Btw the game is beautiful. Thanks
Got stuck while executing move with the 3 arrows, after 2 moves, couldn't execute the final move. Got stuck, went overtime andere received a clock. Not fair.
The idea was to move 2 the orange and 1 the purple, in this order. That would help me to harmonize the two colors at the same time. I have moved the orange 1 and since I could not cancel the movement I had to move another piece that made no sense to move.
Allowing for Undo button would fix this issue.
lors de cette partie je ne pouvais plus faire aucun mouvement car je me suis trompée d'action. au lieu de déplacer une pierre de un et une de 2 j'ai cliqué sur les 3 mouvements. Or il n'y avait que 2 pierres déplaçable. Le jeu a buggé. Le joueur en a profité pour m'expulser dès qu'il a pu! J'ai pourtant proposé un abandon. Ce n'est pas correcte.
Engade a este informe
- Outro DI de mesa / ID de movemento
- Premer F5 resolveu o problema?
- Apareceu o problema varias veces? Tódalas veces? Aleatoriamente?
- Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.