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Informes de tashkalar_displayed
#20484: "Text of cards not in game log"
acknowledged: Os desenvolvedores cren que é unha boa idea e teñen a intención de traballar nela
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Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
Descrición detallada
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
In turn-based games, you don't see the text of the cards that are played in the game log - only the formation that was used. Because of this you can't actually follow what your opponents did - even by replaying the turn, it goes too fast. Showing the entire card in the game log would EASILY fix this.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v83
Historial de informes
8. Xul 2020 15:30 •
Quinarbre • Os desenvolvedores cren que é unha boa idea e teñen a intención de traballar nela:
9. Xul 2020 16:48 • 1. No need to yell EASILY.
2. The game was coded before turn-based play was introduced on BGA, so it was designed with real-time in mind.
3. Not everyone speaks English, so if I show the card I also need to show the whole translated text, which represents significantly more work and more data to fetch from the server.
4. BGA is crowd-sourced, so you're welcome to submit a pull request.
2. The game was coded before turn-based play was introduced on BGA, so it was designed with real-time in mind.
3. Not everyone speaks English, so if I show the card I also need to show the whole translated text, which represents significantly more work and more data to fetch from the server.
4. BGA is crowd-sourced, so you're welcome to submit a pull request.
mythofsisyphus82 • Os desenvolvedores cren que é unha boa idea e teñen a intención de traballar nela:
9. Xul 2020 17:13 • I'm sorry about how the text was perceived, and really appreciate your work. How could I help with a pull request?
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