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#18538: "Tile Selection to Placement Enhancement/Ease"
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Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
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I do not know what you can and can't do within your scripting, but...
It would be nice if ... (like on carcasonne-ish, but ) since 2 sides, maybe three rows/2 tiles each on right hand side in name and points area, then when one is selected, it can show up on main screen and you can easily maneuver between seeing option placement of each piece Before Confirming. OR if you want to leave at top as it is... maybe allow for visual of placements Before confirmation, so you don't have to select one, see if it will work then cancel, then back to selection, and then other side or different one, and cancel and back to see another one, and cancel. I think it would be nice if you can see all the options of tile(s) placements per tile selection, THEN confirm placement of one you want to place.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Mozilla v5
Historial de informes
2. Xuñ 2020 12:39 •
nairobiny • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
6. Xuñ 2020 20:30 • I too find myself having to cancel out and double-check. I think this is partly because once you select one tile, it hides all your other tiles. So you can't easily see your other tiles to confim that what you intend to do with your second move is in fact legal.
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