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Informes de daybreak_displayed
#160894: "On the tablet I can’t see the description for challenge cards!"
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Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
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• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
I play on a tablet, I like the raised difficulty of additional challenge cards, but the need to ‘hover’ over a challenge card to enable a description means I cannot access said descriptions on a tablet and have to guess/try to remember from the tabletop game, what the cards are. Surely a text box should be created by clicking on.
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Safari v17.1
Historial de informes
Boomshanka247 • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
10. Mar 2025 15:12 • Use a tablet/phone instead of a laptop/PC
Kayvon • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
10. Mar 2025 15:20 • I tried it on a tablet this morning. It's working fine, though you do need to long press rather than hover.
It's also working fine for every other mobile player we've contacted. Mobile players constitute the majority of plays for Daybreak, making mobile players the rule rather than the exception. (In most comments, however, they still seem to feel they're a special exception despite this.)
If the behavior is different for you, it's important to understand what on your setup is different that you can't long-press the way everyone else can.
It's also working fine for every other mobile player we've contacted. Mobile players constitute the majority of plays for Daybreak, making mobile players the rule rather than the exception. (In most comments, however, they still seem to feel they're a special exception despite this.)
If the behavior is different for you, it's important to understand what on your setup is different that you can't long-press the way everyone else can.
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