Todos os informes
Informes de elpasogwt_displayed
#156412: "The final score list is only displayed for a moment and cannot be confirmed."
inforequest: Aos desenvolvedores lles gustaría ter máis información acerca desta suxerencia
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Qué aconteceu? Por favor selecciona debaixo
Suxestión: na miña opinión, esta idea pode mellorar moito a implementación do xogo
Descrición detallada
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
The score displayed at the end of the game can only be seen for a moment, so it is impossible to check how many points you have earned.• Cal é o teu navegador?
Google Chrome v132
Historial de informes
rkasugano • Esta suxestión aínda non foi analizada polos desenvolvedores:
4. Feb 2025 15:10 • Please help us improve next time.
firgon • Os desenvolvedores pensan que non é boa idea ou que a relación coste/beneficio e demasiado alta:
4. Feb 2025 15:29 • No, the score stay displayed after the game end (except if you close it), and can be displayed whenever you want by clicking on your point during the game.
rkasugano • Os desenvolvedores pensan que non é boa idea ou que a relación coste/beneficio e demasiado alta:
5. Feb 2025 0:52 •
As you can see in the video, it immediately disappears (I didn't press anything).
I think it's strange that it's displayed in this state.
I couldn't figure out how he got 63 points during the game.
As you can see in the video, it immediately disappears (I didn't press anything).
I think it's strange that it's displayed in this state.
I couldn't figure out how he got 63 points during the game.
firgon • Aos desenvolvedores lles gustaría ter máis información acerca desta suxerencia:
5. Feb 2025 13:33 • thanks for your video. I will investigate.
firgon • Aos desenvolvedores lles gustaría ter máis información acerca desta suxerencia:
5. Feb 2025 13:33 • Does scoreboard open again if you click on your score ?
Phoxtrot • Aos desenvolvedores lles gustaría ter máis información acerca desta suxerencia:
6. Feb 2025 9:18 • He had more than you on objectives and buildings but yeah...
I did a replay with a fast move to the end and you can also only see the score details briefly.
You can see it again (for about 1 second) by switching between "results" and "final position" back and forth.
I did a replay with a fast move to the end and you can also only see the score details briefly.
You can see it again (for about 1 second) by switching between "results" and "final position" back and forth.
Engade a este informe
Por favor engade aquí calquera cousa que sexa relevante para reproducir este erro ou entender a túa suxestión:
- Outro DI de mesa / ID de movemento
- Premer F5 resolveu o problema?
- Apareceu o problema varias veces? Tódalas veces? Aleatoriamente?
- Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquí.