#125296: "The Rider allows invalid plays"
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• Por favor, copia e pega a mensaxe de erro que ves na túa pantalla, se houbera algún.
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Por favor, explica o que querÃas facer, o que fixeche e o que pasou
Yes, ~#60.• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Por favor, copia/pega o texto amosado en inglés no canto do teu idioma. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• É este o texto dispoñible no sistema de tradución? Se é asÃ, foi traducido fai máis de 24 horas?
Yes, ~#60.• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Qué habÃa na pantalla cando se quedou bloqueado? (mensaxe de erro?, pantalla en blanco?, unha parte da interface do xogo?)
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Qué parte das regras non se cumpriron na adaptación da BGA?
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• é visible a violación das regras na repetición? Se o é, en que número de movemento?
Yes, ~#60.• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Qué acción de xogo querÃas realizar?
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Qué é o que tratache de facer para activar esta acción do xogo?
Yes, ~#60.• Qué sucedeu cando o fixeche (a mensaxe de erro, mensaxe na barra de estado do xogo, ...)?
• Cal é o teu navegador?
• En que paso do xogo ocorreu o problema (cal foi a instrucción actual do xogo)?
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Qué sucedeu cando tratache de facer unha acción de xogo (mensaxe de erro, mensaxe na barra de estado do xogo, ...)?
Yes, ~#60.• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Por favor, describe o problema de visualización. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Por favor, copia/pega o texto amosado en inglés no canto do teu idioma. Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• É este o texto dispoñible no sistema de tradución? Se é asÃ, foi traducido fai máis de 24 horas?
Yes, ~#60.• Cal é o teu navegador?
• Por favor explica a túa suxestión de maneira precisa e concisa para que sexa o máis sinxelo posible entender o que queres dicir.
I have a 5 and 6 in my hand, and a 3 and 6 are visible. The Rider allows me to play, which is incorrect (because the 6 in my hand matches the visible 6).
After using the +1 faded power, The Rider still allows me to play my 5, which is correct (since the 6 acts like a 7).• Cal é o teu navegador?
Historial de informes
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- Outro DI de mesa / ID de movemento
- Premer F5 resolveu o problema?
- Apareceu o problema varias veces? Tódalas veces? Aleatoriamente?
- Se tes un pantallazo deste erro (boa práctica), podes usar Imgur.com para subilo e copiar/pegar a ligazón aquÃ.